Can you prohibit someone from recording the video using software like Camtasia while watching and then redistributing it?

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  • Can you prohibit someone from recording the video using software like Camtasia while watching and then redistributing it?
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Not at all.

And that’s exactly why traditional Digital Rights Management (DRM) is an ineffective approach to piracy. (Download our free whitepaper on the topic to learn more about the hard limits of soft DRM.)

However, the forensic watermark we embed inside the video survives copying and screen capturing. This allows you to rapidly identify the user who is stealing your content, and take appropriate measures.

As a matter of fact, when users know they received watermarked content, piracy drops to zero on our platform – and we’ve protected tens of thousands of feature film copies.

In the minds of your recipients, the knowledge of a blockchain-based tracking system behind the content they’re consuming acts as an effective deterrent to any would-be media pirate.