Decentralized Leak Alerts

Decentralized Leak Alerts - Screener Copy by Custos

We use blockchain technology to track copyright infringements of your content online.

How it works

  • Each copy of any media item distributed using a Custos platform contains a forensic watermark and a unique cryptocurrency bounty.
  • A bounty hunter in possession of a protected copy of that media can anonymously claim the bounty.
  • The claiming of the bounty exposes the identity of the person within your distribution network who leaked the file to the team at Custos.  
  • We notify you instantly, so that you can respond in time to minimize the profit-cutting costs of digital piracy.

Leak detection by the crowd

Various white-labeled versions of our VOD archiving and distribution platform (hosted on AWS infrastructure and deployed across four continents) protect hundreds of thousands of screener copies from being pirated daily – through only the threat of decentralised leak detection, using blockchain-based tracking technology.

Decentralised detection is the final part of the puzzle that has been lacking to make social DRM effective.

Without decentralised detection, global coverage is not possible.

Without global coverage, there is no credible threat of detection.

When your content is protected with a patented Custos forensic watermark, we’ll use a decentralised tracking model to instantly notify you of the identity of the person who leaked your content, and where its been found infringing your copyright online.

Contact us about a secure content hosting and sharing solution tailored to your needs: +27 (0)21-808-9505 or [email protected]